Terms of Service

Terms of Service

The Reports and Analyses (including Conclusions and Recommendations) have been created solely for the customers of Doctor Demographics, LLC.
The manner in which the Services are to be performed and the specific time worked to perform these services is determined by Doctor Demographics, LLC.
Payment for these services is posted on the website: www.DoctorDemographics.com or is provided in a “quote” by the companies.
Payment of these services implies that the client accepts these conditions.

What follows has been created for the client alone and should not be reproduced for any other doctor, practice, or business entity.

Data has been purchased from EASI Demographics Systems and EBIS-ESRI Data, EASI Data (and other resource providers) on behalf of the Client and analyzed by Doctor Demographics.

Their copyrights are in full effect. Publication of this data for parties other than for the private use of the client is a violation of copyright laws of the United States of America.
The analysis and recommendations in this report are the product of DoctorDemographics, LLC but we can not be held responsible for the actions taken by a client based on this information. Analysis of business property is valid only for the purposes for which this report was created, which is to provide insights into the value and potential of a particular site and to provide the client with information relating to the practice of the type outlined in the Reports.

Locations that are misreported or misidentified at the time of order can be corrected at an additional cost to the client.

Labels of doctors and practices should not be considered a database.
There may be errors in these specific labels due to the fact that no database can take into account changes that occur on a daily basis within practice communities.
Some information may be out-of-date, incomplete, or misplaced.
We attempt to obtain the most recent and accurate information possible but make no representation that our databases are “perfect”.
We only warrant that it is within a professional standard (which often means within 24 months and 50 yards).

It might be asked, “How recent is the data?”
The answer is “As recent as we can get it.”
The U.S. Census Bureau, Counties, Cities, and other State and Federal agencies as well as data vendors such as ESRI publish data at odd times.
We purchase this data as soon as it is available.
Please be aware that conflicts in data are inevitable.
For example, a city will define its own area differently from the Chamber of Commerce and the U.S. Post Office.
For that reason, the number of people living in a Post Office Zip Code that has a corresponding community name may be different from the community name.
Hence, Van Nuys, CA may appear to have a different population when its Zip Codes are considered as opposed to figures from the Van Nuys Chamber of Commerce or the Van NuysCity Hall.

What is important to note is that the figures in this report are consistent throughout.

This report takes into account a radius around the practice site that includes several Zip Code areas.
Generally, this will include between 8 and 14 Zip Codes If not specifically requested by the client at the time of order, we believe this to be the most appropriate radius to take in the likely traffic for the area.
The typical practice will draw from three or four Zip Codes for slightly more than half of its active patients.
We consider 14 Zip Codes will represent 90%+ of the average practice’s patient base.
It is likely that we will cover an area far larger than most doctors should consider.
We believe that there is much to be gained by considering the area in aggregate form as well as in parts.
In the latter part of the report, we will discuss this aggregate area in the form of drive-time radius.

We have found that for professional practices, the most reasonable geographic area to consider is the Zip Code.
Most dental office computers can generate patient lists and summaries based on Zip Codes.
Additionally, all mailing lists are ordered by Zip Code.
Please note that some of the Zip Codes found in the front of Yellow Page Directories do not contain residences.
For the most part, these are universities, large corporations, or government sites and do not have a direct statistical bearing on the recommendations we will make at the end of the Report.
Naturally, they are considered in the Employment section.
The numbers we have used in the radius study are based on the most recently Updated Census.
As an aside, we understand the specific value of Census Tracts, Tiger Units, Carrier Routes, and even more granular measurements but we don’t believe these units to be as helpful to our clients.

Refunds and Errors Policy

It is not the policy of Doctor Demographics LLC to offer refunds.
Please read the following policy statement to understand why.

We provide a “work product.”
This is similar to the work done by an attorney or CPA.
We cannot guarantee a particular outcome. Once the information has been read, the entire value of the report has been delivered. It can also be considered intellectual property like a book.
If you didn’t like the book, there should be no implication that you will get all or part of your money back.

The most common reason that Clients seek a refund is that the site they are considering is not viable or desirable.
While we sympathize with the notion that it may appear that the investment in market research was wasted, in fact, it was not.
Sometimes the best information you can gather is NOT to consider a particular location.
This will save many thousands of dollars in the long run.
We believe it is in our Client’s best interest, to be honest, and straightforward.
That may mean disappointing them.

Sometimes errors occur in these reports or services.
That should be expected.
We are gathering data from many sources, including government agencies like the U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Post Office, and various Consumer Products Bureaus.
Additionally, data vendors make errors.
Please note that we list in every report the sources of our information.
We have no way of ensuring whether they are perfect and we have to assume to a degree that they are not. It is also true that our staff will hand-enter some numbers.
There is a strong possibility that some of these numbers will be in error. If a Client becomes aware of an error, we hope that they will immediately contact our office at (800) 849-0499 so we can correct what errors we can find and re-release a new edition of the Report. But errors of this type are no justification for a refund.

It also happens that information will come to light that was not included in the original report.
For example, a new competing practice will open next door.
It also happens that a competitor will be “discovered” that was not found previously.
In the vast majority of times, that competitor has intentionally “snuck” under the radar.
There is little we can do but it should be understood that this happens regularly.
As an example, a doctor will claim to be an orthodontist in advertisements but, in fact, they are a general dentist who will occasionally do orthodontics.
As an aside, they are often the same people who will also claim to be oral surgeons, pediatric dentists, and endodontists.
Many practices will get multiple listings on search engines. Therefore, if the Client was to enter a search engine to examine the number of competitors, they may see far more offices and doctors than we list in the report.
We have already considered these cases when we do these reports and it is not productive for us to go through a lengthy discussion as to each case and why they should not be included.
Just because others cheat on their search engine entries is no reason for anyone to get a refund.

Lastly, if anyone feels that they have not received their report in a timely manner, it is incumbent upon them to call our office at (800) 849-0499 to check on the status of the Report or Order. Nearly 100% of the time, the report is waiting in the E-mail Spam or Junk folder. We have no responsibility for this.
We can usually get the report to them within 24 hours or less.

If an order has been placed and paid for but the subsequent forms have not been submitted within 12 months, the order is null and void.
We will not fulfill that order. It has happened that some Clients will wait very long periods (we had one that waited for four years).
We will not be responsible for creating a report or carrying out any service.
Think of it as your dry-cleaners.
After a while, your shirts will be given to the homeless. We close out our books.
The same is true if you want a copy of an order we have already generated but you have lost your copy somehow.
We only keep Reports for 12 months.

In the end, we will bend over backward to help you and clarify our work.
If you will be cooperative, we will do all we can to solve any issues.
On the other hand, a confrontational attitude will likely result in the same outcomes you see from your own practices.

If a Client or Vendor wants to formalize a disagreement, this should be settled in small claims court if the amount in question is under $7,500.
Because we operate and are licensed in Utah County, UTAH, this is the court that should handle the matter.

Doctor Demographics, LLC

Our Leadership

Scott McDonald

"Demographics is more than just facts and figures. It is the foundational story in which we develop the right strategy and plan to create successful practices over the long-term. Markets change, economies fluctuate, and internal goals differ. Our goal at Doctor Demographics is to provide you with not just the data, but experienced analysis to help you create the practice you've always dreamed of having."

Scott McDonald

Founder - Doctor Demographics

Mike Green

"Coming from a marketing background, demographics and psychographics are the foundation that all successful practice strategies are built. Knowing how to use that data in the implementation process of a practice is the difference between an average (or failing) practice and a successful practice in the same area. We've done thousands of studies over the years and have helped doctors find, establish, and market in nearly every state and situation"

Mike Green

Owner - Doctor Demographics